Our auction catalogue is a dutch catalogue. We will help you with a growing glossary here on this site. The few words now are just to locate this file. Next week it will contain more words. If words are wanting which you discover in our catalogue, or are miss-spelled, pleaseĀ e-mail us, and we will add them or correct them and give you a personal reaction.
Nederlands | English |
aangetekend | registered |
ansichtkaart | postcard |
bankbiljet | banknote |
brief | letter |
briefstuk | on piece |
brief | cover |
briefvoorzijde | front of cover |
drukwerk | printed matter |
enveloppe | cover |
foutdruk | (print) error |
fraai | fine |
gebruikt | used |
gecentreerd | centered |
gerepareerd | repared |
gestempeld | canceled |
getand | perforated |
gevlekt | spotted |
hoekstuk | corner piece |
kavel | lot |
kleine gebreken | small faults |
kleur | colour |
kopstaand | vertically rotated |
luchtpost | airmail |
munt(en) | coin(s) |
omslag | envelope, jacket |
opbrengst | result |
omgekeerd | inverted |
ongebruikt | unused with original gum, hinged |
ongetand | imperforated |
opdruk | overprint |
plakker | hinge |
portzegel | postage due |
postfris | mint, without hinge |
postzegel | stamp |
pracht exemplaar, pr.ex. | superb |
randstuk | margin of sheet |
schaars | rare |
speldeprik | pinhole |
stempel | postmark |
taxatie | estimation |
tropisch | toned, stained |
veiling | auction |
vel(letje) | sheet |
verzameling | collection |
voornamelijk, vnl | principally |
zonder gom | without gum |
zeer fraai | fine |
zeldzaam | rare |